How You See The World

Team Hyphen
3 min readNov 18, 2020

We live in an extremely fast-moving world. Over its timeline, the world has not had a chance to pause and have a breather with mankind’s developments and advancements of science and technology. Every second, a new scientific discovery is made, making our lives just a little bit easier. But as human beings, have we achieved proper development in all aspects of our lives? With each of us having different mindsets of what our world is and has been, we might look at it in our own different ways. If we were to put it in a “nicer” way, we humans certainly have much room for improvement. While we humans tend to think that we have perfected ways of life, we make and have made mistakes throughout our past. It seems as if throughout the existence of mankind, our developments have been based on trial and error, with people following their instincts and doing something and later on figuring out that it was not the ideal way of doing it. That is when the methods and processes are changed accordingly. But there is no doubt, that this process of trial and error has resulted in some of the monumental mistakes that mankind has made. And yet, we still keep on doing it, don’t we?

These “compromises” need to be evaded. The “frame of mind” within people are built up from past experiences and cultural backgrounds people hail from. But do we really have the right to judge other individuals from our own perspectives? The problem we see in the world is not people judging within the limits of their mind, but when people act upon their preconceived stereotypes and prejudices. “Thinking” doesn’t hurt anyone, but “doing” does. We do not have the right to interfere with someone else’s happiness even though in our “frame of mind” we think a certain person is queer from the rest of the world.

With the fast-paced world that we live in, we are bred from our early days to join this race towards success and win it. But sometimes, the way we achieve this success might not be ethically sound. Today, we see people in the world becoming immensely successful at the expense of other people by inhumane exploitation. Do we judge a person from their wealth but not how they achieved that wealth? People in the world are pushing unheard boundaries in order to just “earn a buck”, which is completely unjust. Being tiny particles in a massive system, we tend to think what we do against these injustices would not matter, and raise a voice wouldn’t change the outcome of the bigger picture. But everything starts from a simple thought within the human mind. If we contribute to our world and society by being ethical, by letting go of stereotypes and prejudices, by respecting each and every individual that we come across, we could certainly make the world a better place. We should not wait till an “invisible hand” pushes us to do this. Let's act ethically. Always.



Team Hyphen

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